The thunderbolt pony by Stacy Gregg

HarperCollins, 2017. ISBN 9780008257026
(Age: 11+) Highly recommended. After a devastating earthquake hits
Evie's hometown of Parnassus on New Zealand's South Island, the
entire town and herself are forced to evacuate. During the initial
earthquake, Evie's mum is injured and one of the first to be rescued
by helicopter. Evie was meant to be on the ride with her mother, but
refuses to leave her beloved pony, Gus, her dog, Jock, and her cat
Moxy behind. She is determined to find another way before people
realise Evie did not go with her mother. Instead she flees with her
tribe of animals in a race against time across difficult terrain to
reach the port of Kaikoura. Locals are being evacuated to the port
where they will be transported to safety.
No one could have ever imagined the difficulties Evie would
encounter. With aftershocks constantly shaking, Evie will have to
overcome her OCD and draw on her bravery, strength, and resilience
to bring her and her animals to safety.
Having never been one to read a 'horsey' book I was absolutely
enthralled from start to finish. It is a fast-paced book about a
girl's determination to do anything to save her beloved animals -
even putting her own life at risk. An emotional journey sees Evie
refuse to give up even when faced with impossible odds.
Evie is 12 years old and suffers from OCD. This has a huge impact on
her life and her ability to cope with events. There are countless
themes that are portrayed in the book including resilience, bravery,
family, community spirit, death and determination. I think the
audience need to be at least 11 years old as the themes can be quite
strong and the readers need to have a degree of maturity to fully
understand them.
This book would be a hit with girls in particular, but not
necessarily just ones that enjoy a horse story. A must have for the
library collection.
Kathryn Schumacher