The talent show by Delphine Davis and Adele K Thomas

Mermaid holidays book 1. Penguin, 2019. ISBN: 9780143796510.
(Age: 6-8) Delphine Davis and Adele K Thomas introduce us to the
underwater world of Turtleville where four special mermaid friends
live with their families. Best friends since they were little
merbies, Sophia, Willow, Chloe and Olivia love meeting up again
after returning from their separate boarding schools. This is a
special holiday, and something exciting is about to happen,
Turtleville's first Talent Show.
Sophia Seashell is especially excited; she loves to sing and wants
her friends to be backup singers for the performance. Her sidekick
Smedley Seahorse cautions Sophia to consider what her other friends
are planning. When they meet to practice at the lagoon, Sophia
arrives last, excited to share her ideas. Wearing her super sparkly
popstar sunnies and holding her glittery microphone, Sophie launches
into one of The Flyfish Girls pop songs. Her friends are taken
aback. They don't want to sing; they can't sing. Smedley tries to
smooth things over to no avail.
Team work requires cooperation, listening to everyone's ideas and
working together, and that's just what the best friends do in the
lead up to their performance. Will they win the prize, tickets to
The Guppy Cove Adventure Park?
The talent show presents a gorgeous underwater world, filled
with sea creatures and sparkly mermaids. Pink borders and accents
enhance the story and add fun to the delightful cartoon
illustrations. Written in a fun and charming style with plenty of
alliteration and special pops of pink-coloured exclamations and
highlighted words, this story is just right for mermaid-loving young
Themes: Mermaids, Friendship, Performing arts.
Rhyllis Bignell