The story of World War One by Richard Brassey

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Orion Children's Books, 2014. ISBN 9781444010855
The Centenary of World War One beginning this year has given rise to a plethora of books remembering a variety of events and battles. This offering aims to give a simple overview explaining this complex piece of history.
Richard Brassey's overview begins with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the domino effect that led to the involvement of the six European empires and their associated colonies. He also mentions some of the side events including Australia's raids on German Pacific colonies and Japan's annexing of German colonies in China and the Pacific.
Some attention is given to the role of women in the war and on the home front as well as the development of weapons and war machines which were significant at the time. The reasons the United States entered the fray late in the war and the fall out from the defeat of the Russians are briefly explained as well as reasons for the beginning of the Second World War only twenty one years later.
Younger readers will gain much from the illustrations especially the inclusion of simple maps and the representation of the trench system, as well as the captions which add interesting factual detail.
As the centenary of significant events rolls on over the next four years, this book will continue to offer a basic understanding of events and some of the significant players, as well as the changes in medicine and society which were amongst the results of the conflict.
Sue Keane