The Storm Makers by Jennifer E Smith

Headline, 2013. ISBN 978-1-4722-0144-7.
Recommended for 10 to 13 year olds. Ruby is the first of the twins
to see the mysterious stranger at their farm. His secret arrival
heralds the beginning of an amazing adventure for both her and twin
brother Simon.
Their life on a farm, far away from their city past heralds a new
beginning for their family. Dad wants to invent and Mum paint but
the farm is struggling because of the persistent drought. This whole
book is centered on weather and as the title suggests, with humans
who have a special gift that can control it.
Simon discovers he is one the youngest Storm Makers but there are
others who can help and guide him. He must decide who he can trust
as his special powers could be deadly.
Ruby tries to guide Simon to make the right choices and together
they embark on an unbelievable journey into an unknown world where
people have both extraordinary powers as well as human frailties.
This story, set in Wisconsin, takes some time to develop but is well
worth the investment. I feel independent, motivated readers will
enjoy this novel. Recommended for 10 to 13 year olds.
Jane Moore