The son of Neptune by Rick Riordan

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Penguin 2011, ISBN 9780141335728.
I really liked this book. I have read other books in the Percy Jackson series and enjoyed them but this is the first I have read in the Heroes of Olympus and now I want to read the first in this series.
Percy is being pursued by two Gorgons, who refuse to die even though he has killed them a number of times. They are also wearing Bargain Mart uniforms and offering him samples off the tasting plate as they try to kill him. Hampered by a loss of memory Percy gets refuge at Camp Jupiter a Roman Camp. Here the old lady he has helped along turns into the goddess Juno and she reveals a prophecy. Percy befriends Frank and Hazel who have their own problems and prophecies to deal with.
As the story progresses we learn more about Frank and Hazel and how they become a part of the quest that Percy goes on to help save Camp Jupiter from the evil goddess Gaia.
There is plenty of action and fights along the way as well as humour which when combined make up a story that moves along at a cracking pace and keeps the reader entertained and keen to find out what happens next. I especially liked the joke about the Amazons and the way the friendship develops between Frank and Hazel. I'm sure fans of Percy Jackson will like this book and be looking forward to the next book in the series as Percy and his friends continue on their quest to save the world from Gaia.
David Rayner