The smallest bilby and the Easter tale by Nette Hilton and Bruce Whatley

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Working Title Press, 2012. ISBN 978 1 9215042 6.
Warmly recommended. Picture book. Easter. How wonderful to see a bilby book connected with Easter that is at once, entertaining, witty, beautifully illustrated and has a good story line.
It will be readily picked up by teachers, librarians and especially children wanting a book to read at his time of the year, full of gentle humour.
The rabbits farewell the young bilbies, setting off on their journey to deliver the Easter eggs by morning. They are given instructions about how to deliver them and advised not to miss anyone. This they do by the light of the Midnight Star, until Brush falls over the edge of a cliff and all the bilbies must work together to pull him back to the top, with an unforeseen result. All is well and they finish their work by morning light when the rabbits have a special present for them.
Bruce Whatley's illustrations are endearing, showing the bilbies with their pointy noses and large ears, carrying their sacks of eggs. The muted colours he uses perfectly suit the the gentleness of the story and the setting of the bilbies' work at night. This is the third in the series about the smallest bilbies, and carries on the tradition of linking bilbies with Easter, begun by Rose-Marie Dusting.
Fran Knight