The Shelly Bay Ladies Swimming Circle by Sophie Green

Hachette, 2019. ISBN: 9780733641169.
(Age: Adolescent - Adult) This delightful novel plunges us into the
lives of four women at different stages in their lives. Meeting at
one of Sydney's beaches for a daily swim, named as Shelly Beach in
the novel, the four women discover a lifting of the spirit,
supported as they are by the growing understanding, interest and
care of the others. The issues that the women face are very much at
the heart of coping with the changing world of today, and, even more
so, of recognizing the challenge of the roles that each plays.
While on the surface this may appear to be a 'light read', Green's
gentle persuasive tone lures us into the lives of these women and we
are caught up in their growing friendship and daily lives. While
Green explores the complications that the four women have in their
lives, she also draws characters who are able to change, developing
greater strengths to face their challenges. Each discovers that the
caring support of others enables them to face their lives with a
more positive stance and stronger determination to complete what
they have begun. Focussing on each one's issue in the individual
chapters, Green draws us into the increasingly important shared
times swimming in the beautiful, deep waters of the bay, and what
that offers each woman. We realise that, for the women, this
recurrent meeting enables a deeper exploration of the complexities
of their lives, and we begin to see the strength of the circle that
can support them.
Leanne, a nurse, offers support and care to patients but is
alienated from her family. Swimming with the others, she experiences
the 'magic' of the sea. Marie lives alone, surviving on the age
pension. She finds the friendship of the others and the freedom of
the water exhilarating. Elaine moved to Sydney from England with her
Australian husband, a doctor who works long hours, and has begun to
use alcohol while spending much time alone. Theresa is married with
two young boys, her husband having left her. Her mother,
delightfully spirited and supportive, helps in the home while
keeping her own 'room' in the garden shed.
Ultimately this story is a lesson to all of us in these busy worlds
that we inhabit, that giving and receiving kindness, friendship and
support can bring about change in our lives, especially in our level
of well-being. This is a book for both adults and adolescents who
are curious as to the decisions they might make as adults. Indeed,
it is probably a woman's book, but would be a salutary lesson for
all genders as the modern world is shown to present difficulties,
intruding and sometimes alienating us from what matters in life.
Elizabeth Bondar