The Sheep on the Fourth Floor by Leonie Thorpe

Auckland: HarperCollins, 2010. ISBN 978 1869508139.
At the South Pacific Research Laboratory, Anna's mother does research
on sheep, but when Anna and several of her class go there for a class
excursion they are appalled at what they see. One of the group
photographs the dying sheep, lying on the floor of its cage, on its
side. Anna resolves to help that sheep, at the very least die with some
dignity, after seeing her mother's email, permitting it to be put down.
What follows is a funny, morally charged story about how Anna achieves
her aim. Mixed up with her story is that of gifted student, Kurt, the
one who takes the photographs. His recent behaviour has attracted the
attention of the local police, and he is on edge. Both of these stories
come to a climax as Anna finally realises that her parents have not
been telling her the truth, and so when she sees the email to her
mother, she acts.
Now and again the author tries a little too hard to make the reader
understand the moral issue, but all in all, it is a good read. The
front cover and the blurb all add to the inducement to read, and the
plot and main characters invite the reader into their world. The
sheep's point of view is given in chapters in which it speaks, but
these are usually quite funny. The theme, about animal experimentation
is told well, and readers will have a sound idea of the issues involved
when they finish the read.
Fran Knight