The Sending by Isobelle Carmody

Penguin, 2011.
(Age: 15+) In the sixth and penultimate book in the Obernewtyn
Chronicles, we see Elspeth Gordie the former outsider Misfit and now
a Guildmistress of Obernewtyn struggling with her destiny as the
saviour of The Land. Being the only person who can disarm Sentinel,
the dormant computer that controls the Balance of Terror arsenal,
she awaits the final summons that will begin her quest. If she fails
the entire world will be destroyed, but if she does succeed, she
will have to leave The Land and all that she loves behind forever.
I had only read the first three books in this series many years ago,
so prior to reading The Sending, I decided to read all the
books. This may have been a mistake as without the lapse of years
between books, I found the constant reference to previous events
repetitive. While I enjoy a good big read, this story progresses
very slowly and became a little monotonous in its detail and
description. There are endless discussions and meetings and list
making on what to pack for the sea voyage to the Red Land and
planning for the Moon Day Festival. It takes far too long for
anything related to the quest to actually happen - close to 400
pages pass before she sets off on her final journey. Because of the
complexity of this vast set-up, I struggled to remain interested,
especially with only the first person narrative of Elspeth to
It does have passages of wonderful, descriptive writing and I did
enjoy the 'voice' of the wild wolf pack, and the way Elspeth
struggles with her dark side. In the end however, I found it hard to
maintain concern with the manoeuvrings, and what the eventual
outcome will be. This is not a bad or unworthy book, but I think
I've been spoilt by reading some outstanding and fascinating fantasy
and sci-fi novels recently.
I'm sure fans of Isobelle Carmody will find much to love in this
book, and are eagerly awaiting the final book due out next year,
when all the many questions and story threads will finally be
Alicia Papp