The Secret of the Lonely Isles by Joanne Van Os

Random House, 2011. ISBN: 978 1741662528.
Recommended for ages 9+. The Isherwood family is experiencing tough
times with Dad having been injured at work and Neenie, their Gran,
suffering from dementia. Siblings Jem, Tyler and Maddy are affected by
the daily conflicts arising within the family when Great-aunt Ella
arrives and suggests they accompany her on a sea-faring trip. An
invitation is also extended to their friend, Zac, and the not entirely
enthusiastic bunch begins their preparations. Only when Ella explains a
little of the mystery she hopes to solve, do the children become more
excited and involved. As they journey across the seas and more clues
are uncovered, they meet various characters along the way and need to
consider whose motives can be trusted.
The Northern Territory setting adds its own special dimension to the
story as do the different backgrounds of the characters and their
varying voices. Showing some similarities to the books of Michael
Morpurgo, this could be paired with adventure stories from other
countries and used to compare both style and content. With its
distinctly Australian writing, and the themes of overcoming one's
fears, insecurities and self absorption to assist the family, this
engaging adventure/mystery would make an entertaining class read aloud
for middle primary children.
Jo Schenkel