The secret of Black Rock by Joe Todd-Stanton

Flying Eye Books, 2017. ISBN 9781911171256
(Age: 5 - 8) Recommended. Sea. Marine life. Persistence. Out in the
sea lies Black Rock, a large strange mass that is said to destroy
any boat that comes near it. Erin loves to watch the water looking
at the fish, and longs to go out on the fishing boat with her
mother. She often hides on board but her dog Archie would sniff her,
until one day she came up with a cunning plan and managed to stay
hidden. But then disaster strikes in the fog and she gets swept off
the boat and sinks down, down into the ocean, where the Black Rock
is lurking, a home to a myriad of sea creatures. Then she uncovers
Rock Rock's secret - but will she be able to convince the villagers
not to destroy it.
On an initial read, this may prove to be a strange story that
doesn't quite make sense, but a second closer perusal will have the
reader discovering that this is a picture book where you have to
both read the text and look very carefully at the pictures to find
out what is going on. This makes it a most challenging, interesting,
and thought provoking read.
The illustrations are fascinating, with dark foreboding colours for
the rock and the sea while the sea creatures and machinery, boats
and people are brightly coloured. The marine life that is pictured
as Erin falls deep into the sea is beautifully drawn, but it is the
double page spread that the reader has to turn sideways to discover
what Rock Rock is, that will most delight the reader.
Erin is an irresistible heroine, brave and clever. She manages to
outwit her mother and her dog to stay on board the fishing boat and
is courageous enough to climb out an upper storey window to go and
rescue the Black Rock.
This is a picture book that will reward readers who pay attention to
details and who delight in adventure stories.
Pat Pledger