The Rumpelgeist by Fiona McIntosh

Puffin, 2012. ISBN 978067007511.
(Age 10+) Recommended. Fantasy. Adventure. There are children
disappearing from the capital of Drestonia and a strange apparition,
the Rumpelgeist, seems to be haunting the city. Crown Princess Ellin
must use her magic and work with Flynn Jolien to solve the mystery
and save the children. However a wily sorcerer, Grendel is using his
magic and the pair will need all their courage to find Grendel.
Overcome the witch Grevilya and return the stolen children of Floris
to their parents.
The sequel to The whisperer, this can be read as a stand alone
although of course, fans of the first book will be fascinated to see
the next generation of people in the kingdom and how the main
characters have grown and changed. Familiar characters from the
first book, including Pilo, the centaur Davren, Bitter Olof, Calico
Grace and Little Thom, make their appearance and provide much of the
humour and action in the book.
t Princess Ellin is a brave and feisty girl who knows that she will
have to learn her magic to help save her kingdom. Although Flynn has
been injured by a rival he too will have to use his powers to help
Ellin. The slight romance between the two adds an element of
interest for those who like relationships. The adults in the story
play a secondary role and it is Ellin and Flynn who solve problems
and come up with solutions that will keep the kingdom safe.
There is plenty of action and adventure to keep the reader totally
interested in the story. Magic is central to the story but it is the
thrill of the chase and the quest to overcome the evil Grevilya that
makes this a gripping read.
While it has been written for a younger audience, any lover of
fantasy or adventure should enjoy this well written and compelling
Pat Pledger