The Ruffs by Christina Miesen

Aussie bites. Penguin, 2012 ISBN 9780 14 330672 6.
(Ages 7+) Bushrangers. The Ruff family of bushrangers are a weird
lot, each has a particular skill known only to them, but mightily
useful when fighting off the troopers in the gold fields of
Slingshot Daddy is not only accurate with his sling, but he uses
kangaroo pellets with considerable ease; Tough-Spittin' Granny has a
superbly accurate spit;Breathless Bertha smokes cigars, lots of them
and so is always able to make a thick fog very quickly while
Baby-Face Tom, at two years old is the cutest baby ever seen and
could turn the troopers to mush with one look. They are all on the
wanted posters, known for their daring, but one son, Jimmy is called
Jimmy Good-for-Nothing, because he is, well, good for nothing. He
has no useful skills, but when the troopers steal the gold nugget
from Mad Dog Varmit, forcing the family to take drastic action
without success, it is Jimmy's skills at listening and telling
stories that save the day.
A neatly resolved laugh out loud story of bushrangers in Australia's
gold rush era, students who read this will be amused and
enlightened, although the use of the word 'sherriff' annoyed me.
Miesen's light touch will enthrall readers of this excellent series,
and her illustrations will add another level of humour.
Fran Knight