The royal wedding crashers by Clementine Beauvais

Ill. by Becka Moor. Bloomsbury, 2015. ISBN 9781408855447
(Age: 10-12) This novel follows the book The royal babysitters
and includes the characters Anna, Holly and Prince Pepino. In this
crazy, zany book the three children travel to Francia to help
prepare for a very unusual wedding, the wedding of the beautiful
Princess Violette.
They are sent on several secret errands by the wedding planner,
Mademoiselle Malypense to gather a wedding dress, cake and bouquet.
But all is not as it seems.
Why are they gathering wedding items from the strangest of places
and what are Mademoiselle Malypense's real intentions?
This book is crammed with cleverly made up names that are easily
deciphered such as Francia (France) or Britland (British, England).
My favourite is 'King Alaspooryorick of Daneland'. Throw in police
who ride around on rhinos and roosters pulling royal carriages and
you have an understanding of the bizarre aspects of this book.
Becka Moor's illustrations add to the fun and frivolity of the
This a funny tale for 10 to 12 year old students, especially those
who enjoy books such as the Mr. Gum stories by Andy Stanton.
Jane Moore