The relentless moon by Mary Robinette Kowal

Lady Astronaut book 3. Tor Books, 2020. ISBN: 9781250236968.
(Age: Adult - Senior secondary) Highly recommended. Award winning
Mary Robinette Kowal returns with another Lady Astronaut, Nicole
Wargin, in her alternate history about flight to the Moon. Following
calculating stars and The
fated sky, Earth is facing problems with the Space
program, with sabotage and demonstrations arguing against it. With
her husband, the Governor of Kansas, she uses her intelligence and
skills to try to keep the program going and is thrilled when she is
chosen to make another trip to the Moon colony. However, she faces
danger as things begin to go wrong and it is clear that someone from
the crew and colony on the Moon wants to disrupt life there. Will
she be able to survive and help save the program?
The story is narrated in Nicole's voice, and the reader can easily
relate to what she is feeling and thinking and get to know the other
characters that surround her. It was different to have an older
woman, in her fifties, with arthritis in her feet and a difficulty
with eating when under stress as the main character. Despite her
health difficulties her will power, skill with piloting, and sheer
intelligence for working out complex problems came across clearly.
The setting of the Moon base, the personalities of the people who
inhabit it, and the science around living on the Moon, all are
described in a credible way. Each chapter has a news story about
disasters that are happening on Earth and they add to the suspense
as the reader finds out how badly the Earth is suffering.
With a mystery to solve, some heart-wrenching moments, an alternate
history that is fascinating, codes and ciphers and a heart-warming
marriage, as well as themes of racism and feminism, The
relentless moon is a wonderful read. The conclusion was
wonderful and unexpected. And for those who are wondering about
Elma, the heroine from the first two stories, there are hints about
what happens to her.
This is a really good science fiction series, with The
calculating stars winning the Hugo Award, Nebula Award
and Locus Award in 2019. The relentless moon is as well
researched and finely written and could well be a contender for more
awards for Kowal.
Pat Pledger