The Red Fox Clan by John Flanagan

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Ranger's Apprentice: The Royal Ranger book 2. Random House Australia, 2018. ISBN 9780143785903
(Age: 12 - Adult) Recommended. Genres: Adventure and fantasy. This story is about a group of military men called The Rangers. In this group a Princess called Maddie is being trained as a Ranger and has just finished the 3rd year of a four year apprenticeship where she just about passes as the top ranger in her year.
She returns to the Royal Castle for the break and to relieve her boredom she goes exploring. Whilst exploring she discovers some of the castle's secrets.
Meanwhile the King, her father, has left the castle to find and destroy a local rebellious group called the Red Fox Clan. This group has risen because the laws on the succession to the throne have changed to allow women to ascend to the throne.
They first challenge the King in the provinces and then challenge the castle itself.
The story comes to a climax when Maddie saves her father against the forces and she discovers who the Red Fox is from behind his mask.
One of the major themes to come out of this story is loyalty to the Rangers and their code of honour.
I would recommend this book to anyone in the age group of 12 to Adult
Chris Mills (parent)