The queen's lady by Eve Edwards

Razorbill, 2011. ISBN: 9780141327334.
The Queen's lady is the second in the Lacey chronicles by Eve
This superb novel is set in 1584 and has been thoroughly researched for
historical accuracy. A beautifully crafted romance, it follows the
trials and persecutions of Lady Jane as she struggles to gain and
maintain her independence in life. As I have not yet read the first in
the chronicles I look forward to discovering the beginning of Jane's
story with The other countess and then the end with The
After Jonas's passing the dowager marchioness is admitted into Queen
Elizabeth's service as one of the Queen's ladies - the complementing
flowers of the court bouquet. As the newest addition Lady Jane wants to
keep herself as a quiet member of the household but that wish is
challenged by the insistence of her stepsons and their want for her
dowry and inheritance. As if that weren't bad enough, family matters
become more frequent with the Earl of Wetherby and his son making an
appearance at court with a Frenchman, Montfleury, who is after the
Lady's hand. How can she wriggle out of this engagement when her lover
has rejected her and left on an expedition to America?
This story is quite complex, full of twists and turns in the plot
turning the lives of the characters upside down. I would recommend this
book for young adults with advanced reading skills as the captivating
plot is likely to confuse most and the historical period is long
before our time. This is a brilliant novel which would fascinate any
lover of historical fiction.
(Kayla Gaskell, 15)