The protected by Claire Zorn

University of Queensland Press, 2014. ISBN 9780702250194
(Age: 14+) Recommended. On the front cover A. J. Betts describes The
protected as 'a tender story of grief, trust and healing -
Hannah broke my heart'. Nothing could be more accurate.
The story is told in Hannah's voice as she reveals both her life
after her sister's death in a road accident and, with flashbacks,
to the time before. It is through these flashbacks that the reader
is given an insight into the horrible life that was Hannah's first
years of high school, where she was the victim of vicious physical
and cyber bullying. In her own words she describes herself as 'a
floater' who is subjected to the 'dead animal stares' of Tara
and her 'clones'. But the most poignant and heart wrenching aspect
of Hannah's ostracism is the loss of her best friend, Charlotte, who
gradually shifts her allegiance to the clones. In one short
sentence, 'Eventually the 'merger' happens.' Zorn powerfully
evokes the shifting relationship of these two once close friends
until eventually Hannah realises that despite Charlotte's attempts
'(Hannah) was only a piece of sentimental childhood memorabilia she
couldn't bring herself to throw away'
Hannah's clear unselfpitying reflection on what is happening only
adds to the sympathy we feel for her.
Then Hannah's sister Kate is killed in a car accident in which her
father was the driver and she, another passenger. The family is
almost completely destroyed: her mother is incapable of doing
anything and her father struggles on after sustaining considerable
injuries. Ironically, for Hannah, it is this event which changes her
school life. Although she is still a 'floater' she is no longer
bullied and even strikes up a friendship with Josh Chamberlain, who
being new to the school, is oblivious to the school social
The climax of the story should be her father's court case where
Hannah is required to give evidence, but cleverly Zorn downplays
this event creating a more realistic move towards healing than a
sudden revelation that may have been used by other more
sensationalist writers.
While there is much to feel sympathy with in this novel, there is
another side as well. Hannah's sister Kate is not the loving and
caring sister: she disowns Hannah at school and fails to protect her
from the bullies, fearing instead for her own social status. Also
with the pathos there is humour, albeit sometimes black, that adds
another dimension. Zorn's description of Mrs Rorke the maths teacher
'continuing the noble tradition of torturing students with
trigonometry' being just one example.
In The protected Zorn vividly and entertainingly portrays
the time and place in which this novel is set by her creation of
realistic characters and authentic use of language.
Barb Rye