The Princess in Black by Shannon Hale and Dean Hale

Ill. by LeUyen Pham. The Princess in Black bk 1. Candlewick Press,
2014. ISBN 9780763678883
(Age: 5-8) Recommended. Fantasy. Princesses. Humour. Princess
Magnolia has an alter ego. Everyone believes that she is the perfect
princess, dressed in lovely pink gowns, but when danger threatens
the goats she dons her black outfit and goes to rescue them from the
big blue monster. But will Duchess Wigtower, the nosiest person in
the kingdom, work out her secret?
This is the perfect book for young readers just moving from picture
books to chapter books. The text is relatively short but what makes
it so good is the alliteration - 'You seems so prim and perfect'
says the Duchess to Princess Magnolia - and the humour, which comes
alive in the illustrations. I laughed out loud as I read about
Princess Magnolia's exploits and the expressions on the faces of all
the characters, even the goats, are priceless.
Although it would be great for everyone to realise that even if
girls are dressed in pink and appear to be very proper, they can
also be daring and cunning, the narrative, humour and illustrations
make it a standout read.
Pat Pledger