The Poppa platoon in World War Chew by Danny Katz

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Ill. by Mitch Vane. Omnibus (Scholastic) 2018. ISBN 9781742769189
(Age: 7+) Recommended. Themes: Humour. Illustrated novel. War. Brave Major Poppa takes his granddaughter, Abbie, and grandson, Flynn, to the Royal Show. One hilarious day transpires as Major Poppa and his platoon weave their way around all the exhibits, attack Hamburger Hill only to find their lunch a greasy bit of meat stuck in a stale roll and navigate the House of Horror Ride. As time goes by the clock must be watched because they have a bus to catch at 4.59. But they still have one place to negotiate before they leave - the Showbag Pavilion to get a particular showbag, the Chunky Choc CherryChew bag. Major Poppa plans their attack with precision, but does not take into account the fierce opposition. Their foray into this place of hell allows Mitch Vane to use his hilarious cartoon style deliciously ensuring the audience will laugh out loud at the scenes portrayed before them, linking it to memories the readers have of their trips to the show.
Major Poppa gives Abbie a rendezvous point in case they loose each other in the throng of large bums, and off they go, hell bent on their target.
A very funny tale replete with equally funny illustrations will ensure kids pick this up in a school library or on the bookshelf. The whole sings with memories of show visits in the past, using battleground words to describe this trip to hell, and warns of some of the pitfalls of going to the show. But the excitement and fun of going to the show is all there, enticing readers to read the story.
Fran Knight