The pointless leopard by Colas Gutman and Delphine Perret

Pushkin Press, 2014. ISBN 9781782690405
Leonard's parents are determined to have him appreciate the beauty
and the benefits of the country. But Leonard thinks it is ugly,
green and boring. While his parents like to spend their weekends
drinking tea in front of an open fire listening to the silence,
Leonard would much prefer to be walking on the pavement, jumping on
benches, going to the cinema and chasing pigeons. But being a little
boy, he has to go with his parents who like to take long walks. On
one of these walks, Leonard meets a talking sheep. And a cow, and a
hen and their conversations prompt Leonard to consider just what a
child is. But they're not impressed and so they take him to meet
Wolf. "We're bringing you a city kid! Bon appetit!" they call. But
when even the wolf rejects him, Leonard is very sad. Perhaps he is
pointless after all.
Translated from the original French story L'enfant this is a
humorous short tale that is told with charm and lightly illustrated
with line drawings that capture the expressions perfectly. It's a
story like no other and perfect for newly-independent readers who
want something a little different.
Barbara Braxton