The pocket money blues by Sally Rippin

Billie B Brown series. Hardie Grant Egmont, 2013. ISBN
(Age: 5+) Recommended. Humour, Family relationships. With twenty of
these little books now published, with over a million of them being
sold, the stories of Billie are popular and infectious. Smart and
inventive, Billie wants to buy a Bunny Baby like all the other girls
in her class. Asking mum results in the same response,'wait until
Christmas'. Billie is unhappy. Her father suggests that she do some
jobs for money and so she begins sweeping the driveway. But her
friend from next door, Jack asks her to come and see what he has
made. She declines, saying that she must finish her chore to get
some money. Jack pitches in to help her, but later when he talks
about buying something they both want, they argue.
Billie goes to bed feeling mean but when Mum takes her to buy the
Bunny the next day, she has a change of heart.
As with the other Billie B Brown books, the seemingly simple story
line is easy to grasp. The concepts of friendship and sharing in
this one should be obvious to most readers, while the parallels to
the real world that the readers inhabit stand out. Most children
will be able to sympathise with Billie wanting something and being
told to wait for Christmas, and most will have had arguments with
their friends. The neat resolution will be easily digested by the
readership, and the ending is something they can all aspire to. No
wonder the Billie B Brown books are popular. They are also easy to
handle, have short easy to digest chapters, have some words given in
a different font, and illustrations giving a focus to the readers.
Fran Knight