The pink snowman by Alan Horsfield

Ill. by Pat Kan. Big Sky Publishing. 2017. ISBN 9781925520439
(Age: 6-8) Snowmen. Blue Mountains NSW. Problem Solving.
Krystal Clearwater is bored. She lives in the Blue Mountains and
there is nothing to do. Outside there's a heavy blanket of snow
covering the yard and inside her father is busy with his model train
set. Dad is a joker; he's always telling stories and sometimes
Krystal believes him. He suggests a bet: if she finds two matching
snowflakes she will receive a fifteen dollar reward. Of course, her
wise friend Jasper tells her the truth and she decides to build a
snowman instead.
After building a rather disastrous looking snowman, Krystal jokingly
challenges the creature to 'Stand up like a man!' Much to her
surprise he does and soon the two friends are busy finding him some
eyes and solving the problem of his strawberry coloured body.
Pat Kan's lively paint and ink drawings add to the fun of Alan
Horsfield's narrative, suited to readers engaging with early chapter
Rhyllis Bignell