The pig's knickers by Jonathan Emmet and Vanessa Cabban

Walker Books, 2010. ISBN 978 1406316247.
Picture book. When Pig grumbles about being plain and ordinary, a pair
of knickers flies into her face, blown from the clothesline at the
farm. She is delighted, and tries them on, feeling that they make her
special. Being the prefect colour and the right size, she parades them
around the farm, asking the other animals what they think. Politely
they all tell her that she looks amazing, astonishing and
astounding. She is overwhelmed with delight. That night she
washes her knickers and hangs them out to dry, only to find them gone
in the morning. She is devastated. When she cries to her friends, they
all tell her that it was not the knickers that made her astounding, but
herself. A twist at the end will leave classes laughing.
A delightful story about being yourself, and the very specialness of
each child, this story will be a great way of introducing the ideas
around what makes a person unique. Kids will love the drawing of the
pig with the knickers and then the other piece of underwear she finds.
They will delight at the animals trying to help her see that she does
not need anything else to make her special, and will giggle with the
goat who so decidedly ate the knickers, whistling to itself in the
background. Readers will love the looks on the animals' faces as they
try to convince the pig that she is indeed special.
I loved the uncompromising use of language, new words for readers to
get their mouths around and assimilate into their own vocabulary.
Fran Knight