The picture atlas, an incredible journey by Simon Holland

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Ill. by Jill Calder. Bloomsbury, 2017. ISBN 9781408884867
(Age: 8+) Recommended. Atlas. Geography. Journey. I love atlases, and this had me pouring over each page looking at the detail of the people and places from all over the world. I can imagine younger children getting a thrill out of the seventeen chapters covering aspects of the world we live in. Bookended by an introduction and a glossary and index at the back, children will delve into pages that take their interest, discussing it with their neighboours.
Beginning with the Arctic, the page is turned to find out about living in such a place, then the book moves onto Canada, USA, Mexico and South America. Each double page introducing the chapters has a colourful and informative map, bordered with illustrations about animals, indigenous peoples, and major features. Kids will love looking at the things pictured, and turning the page will find more information about them. Each page has different fonts, different font sizes, along with a range of illustrative techniques making each page varied and inviting.
Some of the inclusions are different: Europe has a third double page spread about their food, while South America has a third double page about its jungles, and Africa similarly with an extra double page about tis grasslands. A double page about the Indian Ocean follows the four pages about Asia, and Australia includes a double page about the Outback. Children will be intrigued with their incredible journey as they read this book, presenting so many facts about the world in which we live.
Fran Knight