The Painted man by Peter V. Brett

HarperCollins, 2009. ISBN 9780007276141.
(Ages 15+) The night has been taken over by demons
who rise
from the ground, destroying everything in sight. People
who have managed to survive hide behind
a complex system of wards that keep the monsters at bay. They are too
afraid to
leave their villages to travel to neighbouring towns in case night
them on the road and the corelings take them. Three children are born
isolation. A Messenger teaches Arlen
about the crippling effects of fear. Leesha trains to become a healer
after a
suitor tells lies about her and Rojer's life is changed by a
minstrel. Each must overcome great obstacles to overcome their
isolation and
fear. Together they may survive to save the world.
Brett has created a believable medieval type world
demons rule the night and where magic wards are the only things that
keep them
out of the tiny settlements. They are truly terrifying beings and there
is much
bloodshed during the book. The disadvantages of isolation and the
that it can breed are explored through the beliefs of many of the
villagers and
their fear of change. Brett also introduces city life and living in the
and the different types of knowledge that is gained there.
The characterisation is particularly strong. The
Painted Man
is an enigma and I was fascinated following his growth during the book.
hones Leesha's character and she develops into a strong heroine. Rojer
likable and the minor characters are rounded. I liked the possibility
of a
developing romance between the Painted Man and Leesha in future books.
This was a compelling and quite complex read with
the main
characters facing difficult decisions about what they have to do to
humanity from the corelings. Readers who liked The forest of hands
teeth by
Carrie Ryan will enjoy this story and will look forward to future books
in the
series. The last section of the book sets the scene for Book
2, The Desert Spear, with the
fascinating Shar'Dama Ka the Deliverer making an appearance.