The Odyssey: a Graphic Novel by Gareth Hinds

Candlewick Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-7636-4268-6.
This beautifully crafted graphic novel is one of the best I have read.
It is the story of Odysseus, thwarted by the god Poseidon in his
attempts to return home to his wife and son after the Trojan wars.
Monsters and obstacles are put in his way, only to be overcome with the
help of the goddess Athena, and the hero has some romantic encounters
on the way. This interpretation of Homer's epic poem is well
researched as are the atmospheric pencil and watercolour renderings of
life on the Greek islands in the Bronze Age add another dimension to
the text.
Well balanced between the carefully chosen dialogue and the visual
narrative, each frame effectively communicates the story without the
need for extra explanation. The characters are well drawn and easy to
identify, the use of soft coloured outlines to distinguish gods from
mortals, works well. The reader is able to instantly and vividly
recognise the characters' emotions as they struggle through each trial
and dynamic viewpoints add to the fast pace.
Following on from Hinds' graphic adaptations of Beowulf and
Shakespeare's King Lear and Merchant of Venice, this
adaptation will have appeal for adults and senior students revisiting
the classic text while the skill of the artist makes it accessible to
ESL and middle school students looking for a story of adventure and
hardships overcome.
Sue Speck