The night fairy by Laura Amy Schlitz

Candlewick Press, 2010. ISBN 9780763636746.
(Age: Primary) Well recommended. This is a charming story in every way:
from the story line to the delicate paintings, the dust jacket, the end
papers and the smooth pages. This is a quality fairy story.
The author says 'As a child I adored fairies and fairy tales'. She was
motivated by the girls who came looking for books about fairies. '
They adore the prettiness of fairies, the miniature-ness, but they are
also nature lovers and lovers of adventure' p119.
These comments by the author sum up the book well! Flory a
night fairy, no bigger than an acorn, loses her wings and finds living
very precarious. She meets many creatures who become part of her
journey to survive and to understand life. Skuggle, a squirrel
becomes her first friend along with the gentle human, 'giantess'.
Flory's greatest challenge comes when the humming bird, which Florey
wants to serve her all the time, is caught in the spider's nest. Then
she learns about nature, love and being a good friend. The
illustrations are soft, dainty and beautiful.
Sue Nosworthy