The night before Christmas by Clement C Moore

Ill. by Amanda Brack. Lothian, 2015. ISBN 9780733635045
(Age: 4+) Recommended. Christmas, Lego. Subtitled, 'a brick story',
the image on the front cover should give readers a clue about what
is inside. Opening the book, they will laugh to see the poem, A
night before Christmas, illustrated in Lego. Legend has it
that the poem was first written by Clement Clarke Moore for his
children on Christmas Eve in 1822, and was published the following
year. It has been published in many forms ever since, a firm
favourite in the USA, but I have not seen it done in Lego.
Children will thrill at the uses to which this iconic building block
is put. I wanted to grab some and try the reindeer and the Christmas
Tree myself, but instead marvelled at the skill at putting together
these little bricks to make it look so much like Santa and his
sleigh trawling across the sky.
The whole poem can be found here for
those who wish to look more closely at this poem, originally called,
A visit from St Nicholas, and classes may like to find other
versions of the poem in their libraries to compare with this new
It is great fun to work out what pieces were used for each page and
how the pieces fit together to make a scene. Children may also like
to see just how many non Lego pieces have been used in the book.
Fran Knight