The mouse stone by Andrew Melrose

Ill. by George Hollingworth. Pearson Australia, 2011. ISBN
9781442548176. 16pp
(Age: Early childhood and Junior Primary) Well recommended . A very
humorous story where the three children each have their own idea of
the problems for the mouse stuck in the stone. Annie sets the scene
but as the story unfolds the reader knows she really doesn't know
exactly what is going on. She, Billy and Meera take the story, as
only young people with amazing imaginations can, to very funny
conclusions. The ensuing discussions about why the mouse is stuck
are delightful for Billy can only think of his stomach and Meera is
concerned for his safety and we suspect Annie has lost control of
what appeared to be a simple problem. A delightful journey into
children's imaginations. Well written with clear expressive
language, appealing to the preschool child and the beginning reader.
A delight. The illustrations tell the story too, adding to the
enjoyment of the book. Text is well spaced and clear. The
illustrations are bright and expressive. A fun book to read aloud.
Sue Nosworthy
Editor's note: This is also available in paperback. ISBN