The most perfect snowman by Chris Britt

Balzer and Bray, 2016. ISBN 9780062377043
Built in the first flurry of winter snow, Drift was the loneliest of
snowmen. With his stick arms, small mouth and coal eyes he stood
forlorn and forgotten amongst the bare winter trees. He dreamed of
having a smart scarf, warm gloves and a long orange carrot nose like
the other snowmen so he could join in their banter, their fashion
parades, snowball fights and other fun stuff. But he was too plain
and different to be included, so his days were spent swooshing and
sliding through the woods, stopping and standing in the shadows to
watch the others at play.
Then one day some children gave Drift all that he wanted - a fluffy
blue hat, warm mittens, a soft scarf and even a long orange carrot
nose. Suddenly the other snowmen found him acceptable now that he
had his new accessories and watched as he played all afternoon with
his new friends. But that night a blizzard blew and Drift lost his
smart new clothes and no matter how hard he looked, he couldn't find
them. All he had left were his scarf and his long orange carrot
nose. Then he heard a tiny voice - a little bunny was lost in the
snow, frightened and shivery cold. Drift knows he can save the bunny
by wrapping it in his soft scarf and giving it his long orange
carrot nose but can he bear to part with them? Can he go back to
being that plain snowman with skinny stick eyes, a small nose and
coal eyes?
This is a charming story about what it means
to be 'perfect' and whether it is about looking a particular way or
having the right things or whether it runs deeper than that. What is
the meaning of the old adage 'Clothes maketh the man' and is it
true? Are we more visible and therefore perhaps more powerful
because of our external appearance?
It also raises the concepts of selfishness and selflessness and
whether even giving just a little can make any difference. Do we
need to be applauded and rewarded for doing something kind or should
it be enough to know that we have made a difference? Do we have to
be the person giving the boldest and brightest present at birthday
parties or is it the phone call saying thank you afterwards that is
most remembered?
The soft palette echo the gentleness of both the story and its
message but this is more than just a story to welcome winter.
Barbara Braxton