The memory tree by Britta Teckentrup

Hachette, 2014. ISBN 9781408326343
(Ages 2-8) Highly recommended. Every now and then a book comes
along that is beautifully presented and brings with it a message
that every child should have the chance to read and discuss. On the
first page, 'He looked at his beloved forest one last time and lay
down. Fox closed his eyes, took a deep breath and fell asleep...
forever.' The memory tree centres on the death of a loved
one (the Fox) in a quiet, polite and sensitive story that instantly
evokes emotions.
The memory tree has a placid and calm way of presenting both
the illustrations and the story. The local inhabitants of the
forest, Owl, Mouse, Rabbit, Squirrel and Bear, all reflect on their
experiences and memories of Fox who had touched them each
individually in a beautiful and memorable way. These reflections
evoke emotions and personal memories easily in the reader.
The issue with The memory tree is when does an adult read it
to a child? The story is very emotional and can perhaps be too
powerful for a bedtime story. It may be a great way to discuss the
loss of life or the topic of immortality.
My son loved this book and immediately asked for it to be read
again. I would thoroughly recommend it to be a part of any good
library. I would also recommend The memory tree to anyone
who needs to discuss the passing of a loved one with a child.
If only the story of dying could always be this sweet.
Steve Whitehead