The magic word by Mac Barnett

Ill. by Elise Parsley. Balzer and Bray, 2016. ISBN 9780062354846
Paxton C. Heymeyer seems to have forgotten his manners, so when he
asks his babysitter for a cookie she asks him for the magic word.
But instead of saying, "Can I have a cookie, please", Paxton C.
Heymeyer shouts "Can I have a cookie, alakazoomba?" Suddenly, in a
puff of blue smoke he not only discovers a cookie in his hand but
the power to summon up anything he wants with that one magic word. A
walrus to chase the babysitter to the North Pole; a waterslide in
the living room; a jungle bedroom; anything his imagination lets him
dream. Even an elephant and a robot-servant!
But when Rosie comes to play he finds that things aren't quite what
he wishes for because elephants can't play cards or any of the other
things friends do together...
There would be few of our littlies who have not been asked for "the
magic word" so they will relate well to this engaging story of being
able to have whatever you want - it brings life to the saying "Be
careful what you wish for." Asking them what they would wish for or
dream of having will elicit a lot of discussion and drawing, but
there is also much to think about when Rosie refuses to play and
goes home. Friendship and happiness are not all about material
things and instant gratification, and this book may provide food for
thought for those who want to have the latest thing NOW, and those
who wish they could.
Barbara Braxton