The magic show book: a performance in a book by Gemma Westing

ed. by Fleur Star. Dorling Kindersley, 2016. ISBN 9780241251133
(Age: 8+) Recommended. Magic, Illusion, Paper craft, Pop up book.
This amazingly designed book will intrigue and delight any reader
who takes an interest in design or magic, illusion or paper crafts.
Opening the book is magical in itself as the pages are brilliantly
enticing with their panorama of colour and invention. A contents
page on the inside cover shows the range of things to read and do:
abracadabra, wand tricks, rope tricks, coin tricks and disappearing
acts to the less well known tricky chicken and the slicer trick.
Even this list of contents is enticing. The first page tells the
budding magician what he or she will need to do these tricks, and
then over the page is the first trick Abracadabra, with an inserted
black page on which to write. This is followed by several pages of
wand tricks, and then numerology and the slicer. Each page has full
instructions and the double thickness pages make a solid base on
which to play out these tricks with the audience.
The book will be a wonderful addition to a class of kids wanting to
play some magic tricks, and is one of several published by DK: Magic,
Optical Illusions, Mind Benders, Colour Illusions
and More Illusions. Each is designed to intrigue and delight,
enticing readers to try these out with friends and families.
Fran Knight