The Magic Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton

Egmont, 2014. 9781405272209
(Age: 5+) Joe, Bessie and Fanny visit the Magic Faraway Tree where
they meet Moon-Face, Silky the fairy and Saucepan Man. They have
many adventures at the lands at the top of the tree in places like
the Land of Spells, the Land of Treats, the crazy Land of
Topsy-Turvy, and the land of Do-As-You-Please.
Enid Blyton's books have been around for many years and a new
generation of independent readers will be fascinated by the lands at
the top of the Magic Faraway Tree. These lands are so crazy and
fabulous that children will be encouraged to use their own
imaginations and come up with a land of their own. The book would
also be a good read aloud in class and for bedtime, and could lead
to interesting discussions about the freedom that the children have
in comparison with what children are allowed to do today.
Pat Pledger