The lucky horseshoe by Chloe Ryder

Ill. by Jennifer Miles. Princess Ponies book 9. Bloomsbury,
2019. ISBN: 9781547601646.
(Age: 7-9) Themes: Ponies, Magic. Chloe Ryder's ninth Princess
Ponies story The Lucky Horseshoe takes Pippa and her
magical ponies on another entertaining adventure. It's St Patrick's
Day and poor Pippa's experiencing loads of bad luck, her cereal's
run out, she trips on the front steps and she's placed in a
different team for gym class. As she lays in bed thinking about her
day, she hears a noise outside her window and there are her friends,
Captain Rascal a black and white horse with a purple eye patch and
three other ponies. They need Pippa's help to stop Divine a
trouble-making pony from taking over Chevalia with an evil spell.
Just at the end of the street is a bedecked pirate ship tied up to
the bank. They set sail on The Jolly Horseshoe to search the
coves of the enchanted island of Chevalia to find Captain
Scallywag's hidden treasure. Their trip is filled with danger, high
seas, fierce winds and the mast caught by ropes. After Pippa climbs
high to free the sails, their magical seahorse friends tow them to
safety. Encounters with cowsharks, watching a special theatre
performance and meeting royalty, all lead Pippa up to uncovering
something special. Life on Chevalia is exciting and magical, this
young girl loves helping her friends and solving mysteries. Lucky
for Pippa, time in the magical kingdom is different to her earthly
Chloe Ryder's junior chapter book is just right for young horse fans
who like a little magic and adventure. Jennifer Miles' line drawings
bring the enchanted horses of Chevalia to life.
Rhyllis Bignell