The Love Pug by Jennifer Sattler

Chick 'n' Pug series. Bloomsbury, 2015. ISBN 9781619636729
(Age: 4+) Chick and Pug are best friends, they enjoy playing and
spending time together. Unfortunately a pretty young pug called
Daisy appears and she falls for the very handsome Wonder Pug. Chick
welcomes their new friend, and shares stories of Pug's heroic deeds.
Images of Pug in a superhero cape flying through to air to rescue
poor Chick accompany the easy to read text. Pug is not impressed,
all he is interested in is taking a nap. The little yellow bird hops
into action supporting Daisy in her quest for love.
Jennifer Sattler's bright illustrations bring the characters to life
- Daisy saves Pug from the buzzing bee and Chick's expressive
actions and a range of emotions as she assists her new friend.
A fun story to read aloud to a young audience.
Rhyllis Bignell