The lost treasure by Jan Stradling

Ill. by Cassandra Allen. Walker Books, 2010. ISBN 9781921529085.
(Age 5-9) One day a bad pirate, named Hamish spies a bottle with a
message in it. It is from Pirate Jack who is stuck on an island, where
he has buried his treasure. Ruby, a good pirate reads the message when
Pirate Hamish tosses it back into sea and is determined to rescue Jack.
Meanwhile Hamish is determined to get the treasure.
Written in a humorous voice, this is an entertaining tale of doing the
same things for very different reasons. Ruby really wants to help Jack,
but Hamish is only interested in treasure. 'Arrrrrr! Treasure' he
roared. 'I love treasure!'
Black and white illustrations complement the text and greatly add to
the enjoyment of the story with their whimsical details and the
delightful expressions on the faces of the pirates.
This is one of the Walker stories series designed to bridge the gap for
children between picture and chapter books and is ideal for Talk Like a
Pirate Day. An activity sheet and wallpaper downloads are available
from the site.
Pat Pledger