The Lost Stories by John Flanagan

Ranger's Apprentice Book 11. Random House, 2011. ISBN: 978 1 86471
818 8.
Highly recommended for ages 10+. During the opening pages in which a
team of archaeologists are excavating Castle Redmont, Audrey, one of
the team, stumbles upon the remains of a Ranger's hut. Amongst the
artifacts, she and the Professor find a bundle of manuscripts which
tell The Lost Stories of Araluen. Amongst these tales, Will
learns the full story of his heritage and the events leading to his
becoming an orphan, stories behind the battles, the breeding program
of the Ranger ponies and major celebrations and events such as
weddings are described in far greater detail.
After initially having to be cajoled by students and my son into
reading the first book of the series, I have become a major devotee
of Flanagan's work. The language used does not suit the times in
which the series is set, yet this just serves to make the book more
accessible to younger readers. Each book is engaging, easy to read,
filled with adventure but at the same time balanced by the
relationships between the characters and their personal growth and
development. Although it is predominantly boys who read these books,
the series has a great deal to offer the female reader as well.
Whilst I can see the purpose of the introduction to this story, I am
not sure that it necessarily fits with the rest of the book.
Likewise, the introduction to the new series in a similar manner
seems a tad contrived. That aside, I still enjoyed the stories
immensely and look forward to the second Brotherband title.
Jo Schenkel