The lost man by Jane Harper

Macmillan, 2018. ISBN 9781743549100
(Age: Senior secondary - Adult) Highly recommended. Themes:
Psychological thriller. Domestic violence. Divorce. Suicide. Rape.
In this engrossing standalone novel, Harper takes the reader to the
harsh outback, where three brothers tend the land and face all the
difficulties of being pastoralists as well as the unrelenting hot
sun and isolation of big properties. The book opens with an
unforgettable scene with Nathan and Bub meeting at an old stockman's
grave, where Bub has discovered the body of the middle brother
Cameron. Cameron has been slightly strange over the past weeks. Did
he walk to his death or has something happened to him?
Harper builds up the tension in an unrelenting way as the reader
tries to unravel the many threads in the book. Why has Nathan been
ostracised by the people in the district and will he be able to keep
his sanity? What has been troubling Cameron and who was the strange
woman who contacted him before his death? Did Cameron commit suicide
or did something more sinister happen?
As the story unfolds and the family dynamics and history are
gradually unpeeled layer by layer the reader is taken on a journey
that encompasses domestic violence, the horrors of divorce and
custody battles and the spectre of rape, all under the burning
Queensland sun. Nathan is the central character and the author has
sympathetically drawn his character as he suffers for his mistakes.
Family dynamics play a big part in the book and the reader is forced
to look at each person on the property as Nathan uncovers more
puzzling details about Cameron's death.
Readers who may have wanted to see more of Aaron Falk (The dry
and Force
of nature) won't be disappointed. This is a stunning standalone
novel that was very difficult to put down.
Definitely the best mystery that I have read this year!
Pat Pledger