The little zebra who learnt his colours by Jedda Robaard

Five Mile Press, 2016. ISBN 9781760402860
(Age: 3+) Recommended. Early learning. Colours. Flowers. Lift the
flap book. A large board book to teach younger readers their colours
with humour is presented in this new release from Five Mile Press.
Zebra loves to paint, so adorned with his painting easel, smock in
the form of a perky scarf and paints, he sets out to paint his
garden. He paints red poppies, blue forget-me-nots, yellow
buttercups, pink tulips, and finds a strange green vine to climb.
Then he paints some white water lilies, purple lavender and orange
marigolds until his final painting is a mass of colour, delighting
all who survey it.
Each page is illustrated in soft water colours showing Zebra at his
task, repeating the colour to be learnt and the flowers that reflect
this colour.
Zebra's painting skills invite the young reader to look more closely
at what is being shown, and they will soon identify the colours and
flowers on each page, lifting the flaps on some of the pages to see
what is underneath.
This makes an easily understood introduction for younger readers to
learn their colours.
Fran Knight