The Limping Man by Maurice Gee

(Age 13+) Recommended. Fantasy/Horror. In this stunning conclusion to
the Salt trilogy, Hana watches in horror as her mother swallows deadly
frogweed poison rather than be captured by the Limping Man. She tells
Hana to run for her life, but Hana, gripped by a sick fear, watches as
the women of the Burrows are burnt as witches and her mother's body is
flung into the flames on the orders of the Limping Man. With the aid of
Hawk, Hana goes on a dangerous journey away from the city and meets
Ben, son of Lo. Together they travel back to the burrows intent on
ridding their country of the evil Limping Man who has the power to take
over people's minds.
Maurice Gee is an award winning New Zealand author who has come up with
an original dystopian tale with a fabulous setting. I was on the edge
of my seat as I followed Hana's dangerous trip away from the city and
finished the story in a couple of sessions waiting to see what would
happen. Would she and Ben be able to find the source of the Limping
Man's hypnotic power? I was also fascinated with the relationship
Hana had with Hawk, and Gee brought the world seen through the eyes of
a bird alive for me.
Hana is a determined, courageous girl who uses her intellect to work
out problems. She is loyal to Ben and Lo and will not desert them even
though she is in desperate danger. The story of Lo, who limps like the
Limping Man but doesn't 'want to be king and conquer worlds' (pg. 167),
is also fleshed out in this book by Gee.
The series is brought to a satisfying conclusion with a small opening
left for other books that could explain the forest people and their
powers. Teaching
resources are available.
Pat Pledger