The lilac ladies by Jenny Hughes and Jonathan Bentley

Little Hare Books, 2013. ISBN 978 1 921894 23 7.
(Age: 4+) Warmly recommended. Picture book. Age. Death. Friendship.
The routines of older people are beautifully illustrated in this
wonderful reminder that people will not always be here. Four older
women, Ida, Nelly, Maisie and Rose are the very best of friends and
do the same things together each day of the week. Sometimes the
women are not as capable as Nelly, but she is always there to help.
Monday sees them bowling, Tuesday swimming, Wednesday at the coffee
shop, Thursday they dance the tango and on Friday, the best day of
the week, they have high tea with Nelly who makes the most superb
cupcakes. But one week Nelly is not as active as usual, and the
others are a little concerned. Going to her place they find Nelly in
bed, and the four old friends talk of things they have done together
in the past, until it is time for Nelly to go. The following week
the friends no longer wish to do the things they did in the past
when Nelly was around to give them a hand, but a week later they
decide that they must continue. They might be a little different and
they might not be as successful at the activities as when Nelly was
there to help them, but they are achievable. Things are certainly
different but they are still together and in many ways Nelly is
there as well.
The lovely illustrations underline the points about friendship and
change, about death and loss being made in the text. The four easily
discernible women with their various hair styles, handbags, glasses
and jewelry, peer out of the pages beckoning the readers in to look
more closely. The readers happily become part of the routines,
and share Nelly's expertise at helping her friends when help is
needed. The readers will admire the women for being with Nelly
as she dies, and congratulate the women continuing the daily
activities, learning to adjust to Nelly's absence. The theme of loss
and change is one to be lauded, as it is not often tackled in
children's books. Here children will see that life does indeed go on
after someones death and things may be different in some ways
but change is inevitable.
Fran Knight