The Lighthouse at Pelican Rock by Stephen Hart

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Christmas Press, 2018. ISBN 9780994528056
(Age: 11+) Recommended. "After 12-year-old Megan Evans almost dies, she is packed off to the tiny, remote coastal village of Pelican Rock to recover. Sure she is going to be bored in a place which doesn't even have the internet, she discovers there is much more to Pelican Rock that she expected. Are the pelicans really magic? What is the secret of the ruined lighthouse? Has she found the place where she belongs? And, perhaps, not just a place..." (Publisher)
This book really intrigued me. I am not usually a fan of time travel but this book was certainly a winner. Hart has cleverly woven the past with the present and allows Megan to move effortlessly between the two worlds. She develops a beautiful relationship with her aunt and finally finds the love that she has craved. Megan connects with a number of characters in the small town, all for various reasons. This allows her to make strong connections to the town and its goings on. Themes such as friendship, family dynamics and mystery are delved into. There are lots of smaller story lines that are interwoven in the story and it is intriguing to try and match them all together. It certainly kept me turning the pages. I would recommend this book for children 11 and up as some of the storyline can be quite complex. A welcome addition to the collection.
Kathryn Schumacher