The legacy by Gemma Malley

Bloomsbury, 2010. ISBN 978-1408800898.
The third in the series following The Declaration and The
sees a return to a dystopian future where very few children are born,
as Longevity, a drug developed by the Pincent Pharma laboratories,
keeps all the adults alive, promising eternal life. However blackened
corpses are turning up everywhere as a virus sweeps the world and it
appears that Longevity is no longer working. Richard Pincent is
determined to find the original formula developed by Albert Fern but in
the meantime blames the Underground movement for releasing the virus.
The Declaration is one of my favourite dystopian novels, its
theme of
what would happen in a world where new life no longer brings new ideas,
fresh and original. The legacy brings to a satisfying
conclusion the story of Peter and Anna, Jude and Sheila. Malley
describes a world where the prevailing drug stops working, just as
drugs today can lose their potency and fail to perform. The frightening
machinations of politicians and drug company director are very
realistic, as are the actions of the adults who could see their
existence coming to an end.
Richard Pincent is a frightening villain, and Jude comes into his own
in this volume. It was good to see how he used his computer skills to
research and the slight romance with Sheila was engaging.
Malley's plot is engrossing and the ending has some unexpected twists
and turns, which were a surprise, but nevertheless, very satisfying.
This series is sure to please readers who like to think about issues
like overpopulation, power of big drug companies and the selfishness of
human nature, all themes in these books.
Pat Pledger