The League of Llamas: The Golden Llama by Aleesah Darlison

Puffin Books, 2020. ISBN: 9781760894160. 118pp.
(Age: Year 3-6) How many gags can you make about llamas in a James
Bond style llama spy adventure? Lots!
Phillipe Llamar LOL (League of Llamas Agent 0011) uses SPIT (Space
Precision Initial Test) technology to try to thwart the enemy
badgers, in particular General Bottomburp.
He is aided by fellow agent Lloyd Llamanator and meets a mysterious
lady llama dressed in a red gown (llama in red).
No prob-llama! Except Lloyd is obsessed with eating and Phillipe
loves to constantly look at his beautiful fringe.
Phillipe's assignment is to retrieve the prestigious 'Golden Llama'
statue taken by General Bottomburp and he must use all of his highly
skilled techniques and equipment, while driving around in his
This is a fun, humorous 118 page novel about secret llama agents and
their exploits. The text is interspersed with drawings and these
stories will appeal to students in years 3-6.
The League of Llama series has a second title in print Llama
possible and 2 more novels are coming soon, Undercover
Llamas and Rogue Llama.
Darlison's previous books include picture fiction Little
meerkat and Emerald, the green turtle's tale and
novels, Running
from the tiger and Ash
Rover: Keeper of the Phoenix.
This would be a fun addition to any school library.
A short book
trailer is available.
Jane Moore