The Last Thirteen Series by James Phelan

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Scholastic, 2014.
The Last Thirteen: 10. ISBN: 9781742831879.
The Last Thirteen: 9. ISBN: 9781742831886.
The Last Thirteen: 8. ISBN: 9781742831879.
The Last Thirteen: 7. ISBN 9781742631909.
(Age: 12-15) Recommended. Themes: Action, Adventure, Dreams, Survival, Science fiction, Thriller, Good and evil,Fate, Heroes and heroines, Prophecies.
James Phelan continues to build the suspense in these four novels in The Last Thirteen series; through his use of fast-paced action, plots that have unexpected twists, rogue secret agents, futuristic technology and enthusiastic tech-savvy teenage characters involved in life and death situations. Each book ends with a cliffhanger and the next begins with a recap of previous events, they need to be read sequentially from Book 13 to Book 1.
Sam's thrilling journey continues with his quest to find the chosen dreamers, to stop the ever-increasing power of a number of enemies and save the world. The search continues across the globe from Paris to Brazil and on to Cuba, where Sam has to rely on his dream memories, his skills, his stealth suit, Academy friends and on the skills of the dreamer he must find. Clues must be followed, devious plots foiled, kidnapped friends rescued all with little rest or sustenance. James Phelan takes the reader on a Bourne Identity style reading adventure.
The first book was published by Scholastic in September 2013 and the final will be released in December 2014. There is a comprehensive website with exclusive information, competitions, updates and book trailers. The countdown clock shows how many minutes until the next book is released.
Recommended for readers from 12-15 years
Rhyllis Bignell