The last elephant by Justin D'Ath

Puffin Books, 2013. ISBN 978 0 14 330726 6
(Age: 9+) Highly recommended. Dystopian. Animals. When Colt and his
mother, a veterinarian, go to the Lost World Circus to see an
elephant, the last elephant in the world, they must take action when
the animal is bitten by the dreaded ghost-rat, the reason for all
animals in the world dying. Colt has been bitten before and
survived, so has a special immunity and knows just what these
creatures can do. His empathy with the elephant sees his mother and
he follow the elephant when it is taken away by the Rat Cops, a
government organisation ostensibly there to help the elephant, but
everyone knows a trip with that particular crowd is a death
An exciting start to a new series, D'Ath has developed a scenario
which is becoming all too clear as we read of endangered animals in
the wild being counted in their hundreds, or of the number of
animals being wiped out each day. The characters of Colt and his
friend, Birdy as well as his mother, are well drawn and sit well as
the focus of this highly dramatic and involving adventure series
with a message. Book Two and Three, The singing ape, and Secret
superhero are just released, and there are more in the
pipeline. So watch out for this exciting, environmentally conscious
Fran Knight