The last ANZAC by Gordon Winch

Ill. by Harriet Bailey. New Frontier, 2015. ISBN 9781925059298
(Age: 5+) ANZAC, World War One, Remembrance. The true story of Alec
Campbell, the last ANZAC who died in 2002 is told through the eyes
of a young boy, James who visited him in 2001.
The details of Alec's life as a recruit are told in bare simple
prose, outlining the unadorned facts of his enlistment at sixteen
and the time training in Egypt before being sent to Anzac Cove. Each
section of his story as a young teen is interspersed with his
interview with James. The illustrator has vividly contrasted the
young man in his uniform carrying a rifle that seems to tower over
him, with the images of an old gentle man having a cup of tea with
his wife and James and his dad, dunking his biscuit in his tea. That
contrast reinforces the gap between our perception of what Anzac was
like for these men and their reality. That reality is revealed in
many of the images shown in this book, including the letters and
photographs included as the endpapers.
There have been so many books produced for this centenary year that
for some schools it will be difficult choosing which to buy. Each
book takes a different slant and shows things which others do not. I
was intrigued with the information about Alec as a water carrier,
with the scenes of the soldiers eating oranges, of Alec in hospital
and his arrival back home. Each image adds another layer of
knowledge about this war for younger readers, and as it is about a
real person, will add some resonance to those looking at this book.
Fran Knight