The keeper by Rosanne Hawke

University of Queensland Press, 2013. ISBN 9780702249730.
'Gran used to watch me like a one-legged gull at a picnic' is one of
the brilliant expressions from The keeper. Set in a small
seaside town on the Yorke Peninsula, this marvellous story centres
upon Joel, a young boy without parents who lives with a loving
Grandmother. Having a learning disability and a tendency to respond
to taunting bullies with his fists, Joel is frequently in trouble at
school and is frustrated and angry, except when fishing or playing
with his friend Mei, the daughter of a local fisherman.
Fed up with not having a Dad, Joel places an advert in the newspaper
to offer the position and is impressed when tough looking biker Dev
arrives on a Harley to try out for the job. The pair establish a
friendship with shared experiences, conversation and intuitive
understanding which is developed by the opportunity to compete in
the annual fishing competition, a chance previously denied to the
fatherless Joel.
This is a genuinely enjoyable novel and wholesome but realistic life
lessons are delivered within a captivating story and polished
narrative. Hawke presents a flawed individual with a shady past who
has learned from his mistakes and seeks to teach a youngster to
avoid conflict and violence. The author is to be commended for
including such a character whilst avoiding gushing sentimentality or
diminishing the threatening nature of bikies, drugs and crime.
The basis of the relationship may be implausible to adults,
especially in the context of stranger danger and child protection,
however the story's development feels natural, especially given
Joel's loner behaviour and tendency to keep quiet about what he gets
up to.
The arrival of other significant characters from the past could be
considered too contrived, however the story works satisfactorily
towards an acceptable conclusion.
Written for children of 9 years onwards, Primary school librarians
can be confident that the content and language is age appropriate.
This story also serves the needs of older struggling readers who
require less demanding text but still enjoy well-crafted narrative
with a solid plot.
Rob Welsh